Ammo 7.62x39 NOS
Fargo, ND

Condition: New
Seller Type: Private Seller
Watching: 19
Views: 1039
Ak-47 AK47 SKS

Czech Sellier & Bellot Military surplus

7.62x39-124 gr.-sv43 green tip tracers~incendiary~5 boxes 20rds per box-100rds total. 1979 vintage- lacquer coated/sealed. c/c storage

***Incredibly hard to find***(assume corrosive)

Clean your rifle or carbine thoroughly,

Local pickup in Fargo only.

Must be of legal age (18) to buy.

Must legally be able to buy, own and possess ammunition

By buying this item you certify that you may legally buy and possess this ammunition in the jurisdiction of your residence.

Ammo purchasers are responsible for the use and compliance for all federal, state and local laws.


Ammunition TypeRifle
Guns & EquipmentAmmunition

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